Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our Thankful Wall

Be Thankful

I had been seeing so many fun ways to both decorate your house and help you to remember thee things we are grateful for. I wanted to do something like this in our house. So I made a simple bunting out of paper and yarn that said "WE ARE THANKFUL".

I strung this up on a wall downstairs that you can see from basically everywhere on our first floor. Then I found some leaf shapes online and printed them out on card stock.

I used these leaves to trace and cut out many many leaves. I wanted us both (the Hubs and I) to write one thing we are grateful for on a leaf and put it on the wall each day. At first my other half thought I was crazy and said he didn't know if he could think of that many things. This made me realize all the more how much we should do something like this! Soph also colored on a couple leaves of her own :)

This picture was taken early in the month so it doesn't show all the leaves but you get the idea right? :)

I am excited to do this every year to remind us of all the blessings in our lives!

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