Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall Headband

Make a cute headband of fall leaves!

This one is really quick and easy to make and is so fun for fall :)

All you need is some felt, a leaf template (you can find one online or print the one I used), a black pen, a needle and thread, elastic and a hot glue gun.

First print out or draw out a leaf template and cut it out. Trace three leaves onto your felt and cut them out. Using your needle and thread stitch a line down the center. Glue your leaves together and then glue them onto the elastic.

And you have a fun headband for fall!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bow Ring

Make a cute and easy bow ring!

To make this ring you will need 8" of trim or ribbon, needle and thread, scissors and a piece of clear stretch cord.

Cut an 8" piece of trim or ribbon (I used a sparkly black trim). With the pattern side down, take both ends and cross the left side over the right side. Flip over and make a crease in the trim in order to line up the backside with the front side. Then stitch down the center to keep the crease in place. Cut edges of trim to finish the ends.

Place the stretch cord through the needle. Stick the needle from back to front and then through it again front to back. Take the loose ends on the back of the bow and tie a knot in the cord.

Place on finger and smile!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yarn Pom Pom Headband

Make a cute pom pom headband using yarn!

I love making headbands for my little Soph. I saw a post online of how to make pom poms out of yarn and thought I definitely needed to get those on my babies head! Of course I cant find the original link now but its really simple.

To make this headband I used: Yarn, Scissors, Elastic, Felt and a Hot Glue Gun.

To make the pom pom start by wrapping the yarn around your fingers about 50 times.

Slip the yarn off your fingers and tie with another piece of yarn. Make sure to tie it tight and in the center of the bundle.

Once the yarn is tied snip the loops.

Fluff and cut the yarn into a dome shape. If you want smaller pom poms wrap your yarn around two fingers instead of 3 and about 30 times instead of 50. This will give the size of the blue pom pom.

Once your pom pom is ready, cut a piece of elastic to fit your little one.

To make the headband first cut a circle of white felt and glue the pom pom onto it. Next glue the elastic onto the felt, one side at a time. Lastly glue another piece of white felt on top of the elastic to help hold it together and to make it more comfortable for little heads.

You can make a single pom pom headband, a row of pom poms or a cluster! I made a couple Halloween themed headbands in candy corn colors and classic black and orange. Also a little pink and white one for fun. But I see plenty more of these being made in the near future!


Fathers Day

Make a cute personalized Dads Day gift!

I wanted to make a cute photo gift for my husband featuring our sweet little one. I had seen a couple cute gift ideas where you take three pictures of your little one. In one they would hold a D, the next an A, and the last the D again. When you frame them together your little one is spelling DAD. Super cute!

I wanted to take this same kind of idea but make it more personal. I decided to have it so that the pieces our little one held conveyed the message I Love My Daddy! This project used cardboard, cardstock, and our sweet baby ;)

First I cut out three rectangle pieces of cardboard, all the same size. Then I printed out a capital I and a heart shape onto white cardstock. For the last piece I opened a picture of my husband in photoshop, changed the picture to black and white and magic extracted out the background. Then I printed out the black and white image onto white cardstock as well.

Next I glued the cardstock onto the cardboard to make them more stable for our baby to hold. Disney sticker were also placed on the backside of the cardboard to try and keep the attention of our little one and get her to hold the pieces so that the right side showed...this sort of worked...sort of.

Then the hard part. Getting her to sit still, hold the pieces facing the camera and smile all at the same time. Luckily my mom was here to help while I took the pictures! Otherwise I'm not sure if I could have gotten them on my own!
 I had her scribbled with pink crayon on some white paper and used this as a sort of mat board around the pictures and put it all in a black frame. I loved how it turned out and so did her daddy! I am for sure going to do something like this again when she is a little older :)

Fabric and Paper Wall Hanging

Make a quick and easy wall hanging!

Our kitchen is probably the most neglected space in the house, decor wise. I wanted to put something up fast so the walls weren't so bare!

I had a couple of canvass but wasn't sure what to do with them. I knew if I decided to paint them who knew when it would actually get done! Since I had just done the IKEA frames in fabric I thought Id do a fabric based project for the kitchen too.

I stretched fabric over the canvas and stapled it in the back. But I wanted to put something else on it instead of leaving it blank. So I downloaded this cute black frame from http://graphicsfairy.blogspot.com/ and added my own words into the inside of it in photoshop.

Printed it out and attached it to the fabric covered canvas with blue brads. Super easy and quick way to add a little personality to the wall! (I must add that the second canvas is still blank...waiting patiently for a sprinkling of paint)

IKEA Frames

So I am in love with this UNG DRILL  frame from IKEA. I bought two but had not deciede what to do with them. So for a long time they were hanging on our wall with nothing inside but the oringinal paper insert.

Many people initially would think they were mirrors, which I would have loved, but could never find a mirror or figure out how to get a mirror to fit the frame.

I had seen pictures of these frames filled with fabric and had been wanting to add more color into the room so I thought I'd give this a shot. However I knew I wanted to do more with them than just fabric so I also glued pictures onto white cardstock and added these into the fames as well.

Then as a finishing touch I used dry erase markers to write little notes around the pictures to tell how old our little one was in the pictures. I have to admit this was my favorite part. Planning on doodling on a majority of my frames from now on :)

I have seen alot of cute photography using these frames as well. So I bought another one to spray paint and have some fun with later on!

Here are some things I love that others have done with their IKEA frames.

Use it for pictures:


Pinned Image

Olivia the Pig party ideas

Hang it on the wall:

Catching Up

Lately Ive been trying to spruce up the house some to give it more personality. I always feel so silly when people come into my house and know that I have a degree in Interior Design because most of our house looks like snoozeville.

Getting our house to feel more like a home has been kind of put on the back burner for a while, with the exception of little Sophie's room that is!

Ive put a few things on our walls since I last posted that I thought Id briefly share. I don't have any in depth pictures of step by step instructions but here goes :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Felt Peep Style Bunnies

Make Cute Bunnies!

I saw some crochet bunnies on my sister-in-law's pin board on Pintrest.com, and they are adorable :) This picture was pinned from Ravelry.com.

However, I have not quite figured out how to crochet, or knit for that matter, although I would like to! So I thought I would try and make some out of felt, and make them so they could stand.


Thick Paper: For the bunny template; I used a cardstock
Felt: Any color you like and a tiny bit of brown
Sharp Scissors
Thread: White and brown
Cotton Balls: Two; Or any kind of stuffing you have on hand

I started by drawing a bunny template on thick paper. Get the Bunny Template I made here!

Cut out the template and trace the bunny twice onto a sheet of felt. Trace the oval piece once onto the same piece of felt.
After tracing the pieces, cut them out using sharp scissors. You will also need three small circles of brown felt for the bunny's eyes and nose.

Next, take one side of the bunny, and sew on the eyes and nose. It does not have to be pretty since the thread will be inside the finished bunny. Bonus!

Once the bunny has its cute little face, place that piece on top of the second bunny shape, and start hand- stitching them together. When you begin stitching, make it so the knot will be inside. Do this by first sticking the needle towards you and through the top bunny only.

Then stitch the bunny up and around the first ear. After the first ear is stitched up, stuff it with a little bit of cotton ( I used the end of a ballpoint pen to get the cotton all the way in the ear). Continue around the second ear and stuff that one as well.

Once both ears are stuffed, continue to stitch around the head and body, stopping when you come to the straight edge. Use the bottom opening to stuff the bunnys head and body, once it is plush it should stand on its own.

To finish the bunny, stitch the oval piece into the bottom of the bunny. First push the oval piece into the bottom opening. Stick the needle through one side of the bunny and then through the oval piece to start stitching it together.

Continue stitching around the bottom of the bunny, going through the bunny and the oval piece in the same stitch to secure it. End your stitching by tying the knot on the inside bottom so it wont show.

Finished Bunny!

This is what I did with my bunnies :) I know it's close to Easter for this year but if anyone has time to make some I would love to see!


Friday, April 15, 2011

TwoThousand 7910

I love do it yourself projects! I enjoy finding something I like and putting my own spin on it.

The three biggest years of my life so far have been 2007, 2009 and 2010.

In 2007 I graduated from SDSU and married my husband. I loved looking at wedding magazines for ideas! One of my favorite things we did for the wedding was a candy bar. We filled glass vases of various sizes and shapes with different kinds of white candy and labeled them with coordinated sayings. One of the vases was full of clear rock candy and we labeled it "Diamonds are Forever".

In 2009 we moved away from our family to Buckeye Arizona. Now I had a new house to decorate! We didn't want to splurge on all new furniture and our family was very sweet and gave us some pieces they no longer used. It was fun taking something and transforming it into something "new". Our biggest project was refinishing a dining set. After many hours of stripping, painting, and switching out fabric; we now have a dining set that fits with our style.

In 2010 I gave birth to our sweet baby girl. Soo many cute clothes and accessories! The thing Ive had the most fun with so far has been headbands and hair clips. My favorite being felt flower headbands!